Iseng , humor dan sekitar musik,Lirik,Kord gitar ,Chord Guitar,Lirik dan Chord

Puisi Pendek

hujan sore itu..
sangat lebat sekali.. yaitu dua tetes.. !!
pipi kiri … pipi kanan..

House for Sale
Oleh : Lucifer

The sign went up one rainy morning
Just a couple of hours after dawn
Mrs. Hadley peaked out through her curtains
Wondering what was going on

The neighbors said over coffee cups
That nice young couple is breaking up

And in the living room the linen and the crystals
Sit all packed and set to go
I tell myself once more I won’t be here in spring
To see my roses grow

And all the things you tried to fix
The roof still leaks, the door still sticks

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

I know you’ve always loved that painting
From that funny little shop in Spain
Remember how we found it when we ducked in
From that sudden summer rain

But I think I’ll keep the silver tray
My mother gave us on our wedding day

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale, oho
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

21 Komentar

  1. tadi siang barusan hujan, sebelum hujan langit sangatlah hitam.. >.<

    • Dimana Kang Huang?… disini mah cuma mendung, kata Kang Deddy Dores mendung bukan berarti hujan… 🙂

  2. dari kemarin di daerah saya ga hujan2 tu….,

    • Di Portugal mungkin adanya salju ya Kang Tyan’s… 😀

  3. (maaf) izin mengamankan KETIGA dulu. Boleh kan?!
    Di sini kemarin hujan campur angin kencang

    • Hehehehe…. Boleh… boleh… Kang…. ke tiga, keempat, kelima juga boleeeh…. sambil menunggu hujan sama anginnya berhenti…

  4. Puisinya bagus kang, tapi saya gak ngerti artinya…
    Sekarang musim penghujan telah tiba…

    • september, oktober, november, desember, sepertia biasa ember meluap gara-gara hujan Kang, tambah lagi dua tetes segede-gede gajah… mangstaab kang… 😀

  5. Hujan yang aneh…
    Salam kenal.

    • Kang Embuuun… ada yang mau kenalan nih… pasti terima dunk… Kang Embun teaa… iya Mas Alris, salam kenal juga, salam silaturahim….

  6. lebat sekali memang Kang, dua tetes tapi satu tetesnya segede gajah…

  7. yos

    kependekan tuh puisinya…
    kapan disambung ya.. hehehe..
    mas yos pastingan terakhirnya pake embed video juga loh…
    silahakan lihat2, hehe,,,

  8. Bener2 pendek.
    Ada yang lebih pendek lagi :

    Duh lagunya ……… mantaps surantaps
    Ingat jaman pacaran …..

    • yos

      ingat jaman kemerdekaan, buakakakakakaka…..

  9. yos

    Biar gak terlambat saya minta Maaf aaah…
    karena saya td lebih tertarik komeng pd lagu drpd topik utama postingan.. hee..heee…

    tapi menurut saya lbh baik terlambat drpd ogah minta ma’af…

    jreng..jreng… !!
    kabooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……… 😆

    jujur artikel di postingan ini cuma pelengkap aj..
    intinya videonya ituh, td ingin postingan video saja,
    tp takut dibilang narsis, hehehe
    akhirnya bikin artikel dadakan deh
    ngebut nulis 15 menit, hehehehehe..
    (model baru, balas komntar di postinga orang yang komntar, ihihihihihihihhi)

  10. lagi nangis meraung-raung ya karena rumahnya mau dijual?

  11. Udah ga hujan kang embun. Bintang juga gemerlapan.. Salam

  12. ini puisi pendek ya mas…

    Gmana panjangnya yak 😀

  13. Pak Lik kok menangis,
    Pak Lik mohon doa restu, sang ponakan sedang memenuhi undangan hajatan besar Pak De Cholik turut meramaikan Parade Cinta

    olahraga BW :mrgreen:

  15. makasih lagunya….. donlot ah….

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